
What is Backlinking and how to use it?

The backlinking is one of the most used terms in the world of search engine optimization.

In this blog, I will be helping you to understand what backlinks are, why they are important for SEO, and why they are important for your online presence. Backlinks are incoming links to a webpage.

When a webpage is linked to any other page, it is called backlink. In earlier days, backlinks were the major metric for the ranking of a webpage. A page with a lot of backlinks mainly rank higher in all major search engines.

Advantages of backlinking in SEO:

The main advantages of backlink are as followed:

Improves Organic Ranking

Search engines like Google see backlinks as positive votes. The more positive votes your web pages have, the more likely they will be ranking for relevant search queries.

To understand this we have checked the link based ranking factors and always find the same thing, a number of backlinks from unique websites referring to domains show a strong relationship with organic search traffic.


Search engines search for new content by revisiting those pages that he has already know about to check for new links.

This is happens because search engines revisit popular page more often than the unpopular page, they discover your content faster if you get backlinks from popular pages.

Referral Traffic

Backlinks take to point people to useful resources. That’s why they are clickable.

When someone clicks on a link that takes directly to your website, it will generate referral traffic. That’s who you will be getting referral traffic.

What makes a good backlinking?


Google takes more value to a relevant backlinks, as people are more likely to click on them.

It is like someone searching for digital marketing and he ends up getting two links that can be uses of digital marketing and another one is about computers. This increase chances of reaching to your website more than going somewhere else. This thing also works out at the domain level.


Backlinks from strong web pages usually transfer more authority than from weak ones. Page level authority is something that have a clear relationship between backlinking and organic traffic.

If you get backlinks from two different pages and one has more outbound links than the other, then all else being equal, the link from the page with fewer outbound links transfers more authority.


Backlinks from high traffic page usually send more referral traffic than those from low traffic page.

There is a clear correlation between rankings and backlinks in organic search traffic. However, the total number of backlinks from a unique website referring domains and page level authority is more important.

Followed vs. Nofollowed

Nofollowed backlinks does not influence the linked pages ranking but in actuality it can do, as link building takes time and effort, it is best to prioritize getting followed links.

Anchor text

Anchor text means the clickable words that form a backlink. Google uses a number of techniques to improve search quality which contains page rank, anchor text, and proximity information. So as to get better backlinking

How to Building backlinks. For this to work, you need to have a clear intention to make it successful.

Here are a few ways:

Guest Blogging: It offer to write a one-off post for another website.

Broken link building: Find relevant dead links on other sites, then reach out and suggest your working link as the replacement.

The Skyscraper Technique: Find relevant content with lots of links, make something better, then ask those linking to the original to link to you instead.

Unlinked Mentions: Find unlinked mentions of your brand, then ask the author to make the mention clickable.


Backlinks are the most important part when it comes to ranking in search engines. Relevance, placement, and other attributes all contribute to a link to quality and utility. There is a general rule, the easier it is to get a link, the less valuable it’ll be.

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